Эта зона не перегружена шкафами - гардеробной для гостей отведено отдельное помещение, а для того, чтобы быстро освободиться от верхней одежды, при входе в квартиру организован небольшой тамбур со встроенным шкафом и банкеткой. Фронтальная стена декорирована деревянными молдингами, окрашенными в цвет стен.
Вход в гостевую уборную предусмотрен из гостевой гардеробной. На полу клинкерная плитка.
Тумба выполнена под заказ - внтуреннее наполнение цвета лаванды, столешница из лощеного мрамора. Ниша оформлена двумя видами зеркал, на стене винтажная афиша
The entrance zone, in autumn, like a cashmere coat, is designed to "hug" and invite into the house. Here the whole basic palette of natural colors is set, which is spread further throughout the apartment - shades of amber, green, sky blue, red. All of these colors are found in every room, but they appear in a variety of tone variations, in accordance with how they are transformed in nature with the change of seasons.
Two mirrored passages lead from the lobby to the private area and to the front area. Private part of the apartment can be insulated with a sliding door, and if you open it, we get a suite that connects the two halves of the apartment.
Two small transitions solved the planning problem and became also part of the philosophy of this project called "The Seasons". The transitions helped to bring about a smooth change of color and finishing materials between rooms, each of which carries the mood of different seasons.
The center of the apartment, which houses the entrance area, also contained all the remaining utility rooms - a laundry room, a seasonal dressing room. It was in the utility rooms that we managed to place technical communications, a built-in air conditioning and ventilation system, without affecting the height of the ceilings in the main rooms.